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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * @docauthor Jason Johnston <jason@sencha.com>
 * A basic text field.  Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional text inputs,
 * or as the base class for more sophisticated input controls (like {@link Ext.form.field.TextArea}
 * and {@link Ext.form.field.ComboBox}). Has support for empty-field placeholder values (see {@link #emptyText}).
 * # Validation
 * The Text field has a useful set of validations built in:
 * - {@link #allowBlank} for making the field required
 * - {@link #minLength} for requiring a minimum value length
 * - {@link #maxLength} for setting a maximum value length (with {@link #enforceMaxLength} to add it
 *   as the `maxlength` attribute on the input element)
 * - {@link #regex} to specify a custom regular expression for validation
 * In addition, custom validations may be added:
 * - {@link #vtype} specifies a virtual type implementation from {@link Ext.form.field.VTypes} which can contain
 *   custom validation logic
 * - {@link #validator} allows a custom arbitrary function to be called during validation
 * The details around how and when each of these validation options get used are described in the
 * documentation for {@link #getErrors}.
 * By default, the field value is checked for validity immediately while the user is typing in the
 * field. This can be controlled with the {@link #validateOnChange}, {@link #checkChangeEvents}, and
 * {@link #checkChangeBuffer} configurations. Also see the details on Form Validation in the
 * {@link Ext.form.Panel} class documentation.
 * # Masking and Character Stripping
 * Text fields can be configured with custom regular expressions to be applied to entered values before
 * validation: see {@link #maskRe} and {@link #stripCharsRe} for details.
 * # Example usage
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
 *         title: 'Contact Info',
 *         width: 300,
 *         bodyPadding: 10,
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
 *         items: [{
 *             xtype: 'textfield',
 *             name: 'name',
 *             fieldLabel: 'Name',
 *             allowBlank: false  // requires a non-empty value
 *         }, {
 *             xtype: 'textfield',
 *             name: 'email',
 *             fieldLabel: 'Email Address',
 *             vtype: 'email'  // requires value to be a valid email address format
 *         }]
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Text', {
    alias: 'widget.textfield',
    requires: ['Ext.form.field.VTypes', 'Ext.layout.component.field.Text'],
    alternateClassName: ['Ext.form.TextField', 'Ext.form.Text'],

     * @cfg {String} vtypeText
     * A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the **`{@link #vtype}`** currently
     * set for this field. **Note**: only applies if **`{@link #vtype}`** is set, else ignored.

     * @cfg {RegExp} stripCharsRe
     * A JavaScript RegExp object used to strip unwanted content from the value
     * during input. If `stripCharsRe` is specified,
     * every *character sequence* matching `stripCharsRe` will be removed.

     * @cfg {Number} size
     * An initial value for the 'size' attribute on the text input element. This is only used if the field has no
     * configured {@link #width} and is not given a width by its container's layout. Defaults to 20.
    size: 20,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [grow=false]
     * true if this field should automatically grow and shrink to its content

     * @cfg {Number} growMin
     * The minimum width to allow when `{@link #grow} = true`
    growMin : 30,

     * @cfg {Number} growMax
     * The maximum width to allow when `{@link #grow} = true`
    growMax : 800,

     * @cfg {String} growAppend
     * A string that will be appended to the field's current value for the purposes of calculating the target field
     * size. Only used when the {@link #grow} config is true. Defaults to a single capital "W" (the widest character in
     * common fonts) to leave enough space for the next typed character and avoid the field value shifting before the
     * width is adjusted.
    growAppend: 'W',

     * @cfg {String} vtype
     * A validation type name as defined in {@link Ext.form.field.VTypes}

     * @cfg {RegExp} maskRe An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes (character being
     * typed) that do not match.
     * Note: It does not filter characters already in the input.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [disableKeyFilter=false]
     * Specify true to disable input keystroke filtering

     * @cfg {Boolean} [allowBlank=true]
     * Specify false to validate that the value's length must be > 0. If `true`, then a blank value is **always** taken to be valid regardless of any {@link #vtype}
     * validation that may be applied.
     * If {@link #vtype} validation must still be applied to blank values, configure {@link #validateBlank} as `true`;
    allowBlank : true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [validateBlank=false]
     * Specify as `true` to modify the behaviour of {@link #allowBlank} so that blank values are not passed as valid, but are subject to any configure {@link #vtype} validation.
    validateBlank: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} allowOnlyWhitespace
     * Specify false to automatically trim the value before validating
     * the whether the value is blank. Setting this to false automatically
     * sets {@link #allowBlank} to false.
    allowOnlyWhitespace: true,

     * @cfg {Number} minLength
     * Minimum input field length required
    minLength : 0,

     * @cfg {Number} maxLength
     * Maximum input field length allowed by validation. This behavior is intended to
     * provide instant feedback to the user by improving usability to allow pasting and editing or overtyping and back
     * tracking. To restrict the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the field use the
     * **{@link Ext.form.field.Text#enforceMaxLength enforceMaxLength}** option.
     * Defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE.
    maxLength : Number.MAX_VALUE,

     * @cfg {Boolean} enforceMaxLength
     * True to set the maxLength property on the underlying input field. Defaults to false

     * @cfg {String} minLengthText
     * Error text to display if the **{@link #minLength minimum length}** validation fails.
    minLengthText : 'The minimum length for this field is {0}',

     * @cfg {String} maxLengthText
     * Error text to display if the **{@link #maxLength maximum length}** validation fails
    maxLengthText : 'The maximum length for this field is {0}',

     * @cfg {Boolean} [selectOnFocus=false]
     * true to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus

     * @cfg {String} blankText
     * The error text to display if the **{@link #allowBlank}** validation fails
    blankText : 'This field is required',

     * @cfg {Function} validator
     * A custom validation function to be called during field validation ({@link #getErrors}).
     * If specified, this function will be called first, allowing the developer to override the default validation
     * process.
     * This function will be passed the following parameters:
     * @cfg {Object} validator.value The current field value
     * @cfg {Boolean/String} validator.return
     * - True if the value is valid
     * - An error message if the value is invalid

     * @cfg {RegExp} regex
     * A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation.
     * If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using
     * either **{@link #regexText}** or **{@link #invalidText}**.

     * @cfg {String} regexText
     * The error text to display if **{@link #regex}** is used and the test fails during validation
    regexText : '',

     * @cfg {String} emptyText
     * The default text to place into an empty field.
     * Note that normally this value will be submitted to the server if this field is enabled; to prevent this you can
     * set the {@link Ext.form.action.Action#submitEmptyText submitEmptyText} option of {@link Ext.form.Basic#submit} to
     * false.
     * Also note that if you use {@link #inputType inputType}:'file', {@link #emptyText} is not supported and should be
     * avoided.
     * Note that for browsers that support it, setting this property will use the HTML 5 placeholder attribute, and for
     * older browsers that don't support the HTML 5 placeholder attribute the value will be placed directly into the input
     * element itself as the raw value. This means that older browsers will obfuscate the {@link #emptyText} value for
     * password input fields.

     * @cfg {String} [emptyCls='x-form-empty-field']
     * The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the **{@link #emptyText}**.
     * This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value.
    emptyCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-empty-field',

     * @cfg {String} [requiredCls='x-form-required-field']
     * The CSS class to apply to a required field, i.e. a field where **{@link #allowBlank}** is false.
    requiredCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-required-field',

     * @cfg {Boolean} [enableKeyEvents=false]
     * true to enable the proxying of key events for the HTML input field

    componentLayout: 'textfield',

    // private
    valueContainsPlaceholder : false,

    initComponent: function () {
        var me = this;
        if (me.allowOnlyWhitespace === false) {
            me.allowBlank = false;


             * @event autosize
             * Fires when the **{@link #autoSize}** function is triggered and the field is resized according to the
             * {@link #grow}/{@link #growMin}/{@link #growMax} configs as a result. This event provides a hook for the
             * developer to apply additional logic at runtime to resize the field if needed.
             * @param {Ext.form.field.Text} this This text field
             * @param {Number} width The new field width

             * @event keydown
             * Keydown input field event. This event only fires if **{@link #enableKeyEvents}** is set to true.
             * @param {Ext.form.field.Text} this This text field
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e
             * @event keyup
             * Keyup input field event. This event only fires if **{@link #enableKeyEvents}** is set to true.
             * @param {Ext.form.field.Text} this This text field
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e
             * @event keypress
             * Keypress input field event. This event only fires if **{@link #enableKeyEvents}** is set to true.
             * @param {Ext.form.field.Text} this This text field
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e

    // private
    setGrowSizePolicy: function(){
        if (this.grow) {
            this.shrinkWrap |= 1; // width must shrinkWrap

    // private
    initEvents : function(){
        var me = this,
            el = me.inputEl;

        if(me.selectOnFocus || me.emptyText){
            me.mon(el, 'mousedown', me.onMouseDown, me);
        if(me.maskRe || (me.vtype && me.disableKeyFilter !== true && (me.maskRe = Ext.form.field.VTypes[me.vtype+'Mask']))){
            me.mon(el, 'keypress', me.filterKeys, me);

        if (me.enableKeyEvents) {
            me.mon(el, {
                scope: me,
                keyup: me.onKeyUp,
                keydown: me.onKeyDown,
                keypress: me.onKeyPress

     * @private
     * Override. Treat undefined and null values as equal to an empty string value.
    isEqual: function(value1, value2) {
        return this.isEqualAsString(value1, value2);

     * @private
     * If grow=true, invoke the autoSize method when the field's value is changed.
    onChange: function(newVal, oldVal) {

    getSubTplData: function() {
        var me = this,
            value = me.getRawValue(),
            isEmpty = me.emptyText && value.length < 1,
            maxLength = me.maxLength,
        // We can't just dump the value here, since MAX_VALUE ends up
        // being something like 1.xxxxe+300, which gets interpreted as 1
        // in the markup
        if (me.enforceMaxLength) {
            if (maxLength === Number.MAX_VALUE) {
                maxLength = undefined;
        } else {
            maxLength = undefined;

        if (isEmpty) {
            if (Ext.supports.Placeholder) {
                placeholder = me.emptyText;
            } else {
                value = me.emptyText;
                me.valueContainsPlaceholder = true;

        return Ext.apply(me.callParent(), {
            maxLength   : maxLength,
            readOnly    : me.readOnly,
            placeholder : placeholder,
            value       : value,
            fieldCls    : me.fieldCls + ((isEmpty && (placeholder || value)) ? ' ' + me.emptyCls : '') + (me.allowBlank ? '' :  ' ' + me.requiredCls)

    afterRender: function(){

    onMouseDown: function(e){
        var me = this;
            me.mon(me.inputEl, 'mouseup', Ext.emptyFn, me, { single: true, preventDefault: true });

     * Performs any necessary manipulation of a raw String value to prepare it for conversion and/or
     * {@link #validate validation}. For text fields this applies the configured {@link #stripCharsRe}
     * to the raw value.
     * @param {String} value The unprocessed string value
     * @return {String} The processed string value
    processRawValue: function(value) {
        var me = this,
            stripRe = me.stripCharsRe,

        if (stripRe) {
            newValue = value.replace(stripRe, '');
            if (newValue !== value) {
                value = newValue;
        return value;

    onDisable: function(){
        if (Ext.isIE) {
            this.inputEl.dom.unselectable = 'on';

    onEnable: function(){
        if (Ext.isIE) {
            this.inputEl.dom.unselectable = '';

    onKeyDown: function(e) {
        this.fireEvent('keydown', this, e);

    onKeyUp: function(e) {
        this.fireEvent('keyup', this, e);

    onKeyPress: function(e) {
        this.fireEvent('keypress', this, e);

     * Resets the current field value to the originally-loaded value and clears any validation messages.
     * Also adds **{@link #emptyText}** and **{@link #emptyCls}** if the original value was blank.
    reset : function(){

    applyEmptyText : function(){
        var me = this,
            emptyText = me.emptyText,

        if (me.rendered && emptyText) {
            isEmpty = me.getRawValue().length < 1 && !me.hasFocus;

            if (Ext.supports.Placeholder) {
                me.inputEl.dom.placeholder = emptyText;
            } else if (isEmpty) {
                me.valueContainsPlaceholder = true;

            //all browsers need this because of a styling issue with chrome + placeholders.
            //the text isnt vertically aligned when empty (and using the placeholder)
            if (isEmpty) {

    afterFirstLayout: function() {
        if (Ext.isIE && this.disabled) {
            var el = this.inputEl;
            if (el) {
                el.dom.unselectable = 'on';
    // private
    beforeFocus : function(){
        var me = this,
            inputEl = me.inputEl,
            emptyText = me.emptyText,

        if ((emptyText && !Ext.supports.Placeholder) && (inputEl.dom.value === me.emptyText && me.valueContainsPlaceholder)) {
            isEmpty = true;
            me.valueContainsPlaceholder = false;
        } else if (Ext.supports.Placeholder) {
        if (me.selectOnFocus || isEmpty) {
            // see: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4505
            if (Ext.isWebKit) {
                if (!me.inputFocusTask) {
                    me.inputFocusTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.focusInput, me);
            } else {
    focusInput: function(){
        var input = this.inputEl;
        if (input) {
            input = input.dom;
            if (input) {

    onFocus: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.emptyText) {

    // private
    postBlur : function(){

    // private
    filterKeys : function(e){
         * On European keyboards, the right alt key, Alt Gr, is used to type certain special characters.
         * JS detects a keypress of this as ctrlKey & altKey. As such, we check that alt isn't pressed
         * so we can still process these special characters.
        if (e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
        var key = e.getKey(),
            charCode = String.fromCharCode(e.getCharCode());

        if((Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) && (e.isNavKeyPress() || key === e.BACKSPACE || (key === e.DELETE && e.button === -1))){

        if((!Ext.isGecko && !Ext.isOpera) && e.isSpecialKey() && !charCode){

    getState: function() {
        return this.addPropertyToState(this.callParent(), 'value');

    applyState: function(state) {
        if(state.hasOwnProperty('value')) {

     * Returns the raw String value of the field, without performing any normalization, conversion, or validation. Gets
     * the current value of the input element if the field has been rendered, ignoring the value if it is the
     * {@link #emptyText}. To get a normalized and converted value see {@link #getValue}.
     * @return {String} The raw String value of the field
    getRawValue: function() {
        var me = this,
            v = me.callParent();
        if (v === me.emptyText && me.valueContainsPlaceholder) {
            v = '';
        return v;

     * Sets a data value into the field and runs the change detection and validation. Also applies any configured
     * {@link #emptyText} for text fields. To set the value directly without these inspections see {@link #setRawValue}.
     * @param {Object} value The value to set
     * @return {Ext.form.field.Text} this
    setValue: function(value) {
        var me = this,
            inputEl = me.inputEl;

        if (inputEl && me.emptyText && !Ext.isEmpty(value)) {
            me.valueContainsPlaceholder = false;


        return me;

     * Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and returns an array of errors
     * for any failing validations. Validation rules are processed in the following order:
     * 1. **Field specific validator**
     *     A validator offers a way to customize and reuse a validation specification.
     *     If a field is configured with a `{@link #validator}`
     *     function, it will be passed the current field value.  The `{@link #validator}`
     *     function is expected to return either:
     *     - Boolean `true`  if the value is valid (validation continues).
     *     - a String to represent the invalid message if invalid (validation halts).
     * 2. **Basic Validation**
     *     If the `{@link #validator}` has not halted validation,
     *     basic validation proceeds as follows:
     *     - `{@link #allowBlank}` : (Invalid message = `{@link #blankText}`)
     *         Depending on the configuration of `{@link #allowBlank}`, a
     *         blank field will cause validation to halt at this step and return
     *         Boolean true or false accordingly.
     *     - `{@link #minLength}` : (Invalid message = `{@link #minLengthText}`)
     *         If the passed value does not satisfy the `{@link #minLength}`
     *         specified, validation halts.
     *     -  `{@link #maxLength}` : (Invalid message = `{@link #maxLengthText}`)
     *         If the passed value does not satisfy the `{@link #maxLength}`
     *         specified, validation halts.
     * 3. **Preconfigured Validation Types (VTypes)**
     *     If none of the prior validation steps halts validation, a field
     *     configured with a `{@link #vtype}` will utilize the
     *     corresponding {@link Ext.form.field.VTypes VTypes} validation function.
     *     If invalid, either the field's `{@link #vtypeText}` or
     *     the VTypes vtype Text property will be used for the invalid message.
     *     Keystrokes on the field will be filtered according to the VTypes
     *     vtype Mask property.
     * 4. **Field specific regex test**
     *     If none of the prior validation steps halts validation, a field's
     *     configured `{@link #regex}` test will be processed.
     *     The invalid message for this test is configured with `{@link #regexText}`
     * @param {Object} value The value to validate. The processed raw value will be used if nothing is passed.
     * @return {String[]} Array of any validation errors
    getErrors: function(value) {
        var me = this,
            errors = me.callParent(arguments),
            validator = me.validator,
            vtype = me.vtype,
            vtypes = Ext.form.field.VTypes,
            regex = me.regex,
            format = Ext.String.format,
            msg, trimmed, isBlank;

        value = value || me.processRawValue(me.getRawValue());

        if (Ext.isFunction(validator)) {
            msg = validator.call(me, value);
            if (msg !== true) {
        trimmed = me.allowOnlyWhitespace ? value : Ext.String.trim(value);

        if (trimmed.length < 1 || (value === me.emptyText && me.valueContainsPlaceholder)) {
            if (!me.allowBlank) {
            // If we are not configured to validate blank values, there cannot be any additional errors
            if (!me.validateBlank) {
                return errors;
            isBlank = true;

        // If a blank value has been allowed through, then exempt it dfrom the minLength check.
        // It must be allowed to hit the vtype validation.
        if (!isBlank && value.length < me.minLength) {
            errors.push(format(me.minLengthText, me.minLength));

        if (value.length > me.maxLength) {
            errors.push(format(me.maxLengthText, me.maxLength));

        if (vtype) {
            if (!vtypes[vtype](value, me)) {
                errors.push(me.vtypeText || vtypes[vtype +'Text']);

        if (regex && !regex.test(value)) {
            errors.push(me.regexText || me.invalidText);

        return errors;

     * Selects text in this field
     * @param {Number} [start=0] The index where the selection should start
     * @param {Number} [end] The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length)
    selectText : function(start, end){
        var me = this,
            v = me.getRawValue(),
            doFocus = true,
            el = me.inputEl.dom,

        if (v.length > 0) {
            start = start === undef ? 0 : start;
            end = end === undef ? v.length : end;
            if (el.setSelectionRange) {
                el.setSelectionRange(start, end);
            else if(el.createTextRange) {
                range = el.createTextRange();
                range.moveStart('character', start);
                range.moveEnd('character', end - v.length);
            doFocus = Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera;
        if (doFocus) {

     * Automatically grows the field to accomodate the width of the text up to the maximum field width allowed. This
     * only takes effect if {@link #grow} = true, and fires the {@link #autosize} event if the width changes.
    autoSize: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.grow && me.rendered) {
            me.autoSizing = true;

    afterComponentLayout: function() {
        var me = this,

        if (me.autoSizing) {
            width = me.inputEl.getWidth();
            if (width !== me.lastInputWidth) {
                me.fireEvent('autosize', me, width);
                me.lastInputWidth = width;
                delete me.autoSizing;
    onDestroy: function(){
        var me = this;
        if (me.inputFocusTask) {
            me.inputFocusTask = null;